Invest in the future of Louisiana

Thanks to you, in 2013, Louisiana Budget Project provided valuable research that helped stop a tax proposal that would have raised taxes on the 60 percent of Louisianans with the lowest incomes and fought to insure hundreds of thousands of Louisianans.

In 2014, your tax-deductible donation — even $10 per month — will help us move Louisiana toward a prosperous future, one that gives every resident of Louisiana an opportunity to succeed. Visit our donation page to give a one-time donation or set up recurring payments or mail a check to 447 N. Third Street, Baton Rouge, La. 70802.

Let’s move Louisiana in the right direction

Next year, Louisiana Budget Project will be ready with the facts to show that relying too much on budget cuts to balance the state budget jeopardizes Louisiana’s future. We’ll offer reforms that will give our state the resources needed to create jobs and build a strong economy.

We’ll show how Louisiana can help low- and middle-income families build wealth and avoid the pitfalls of predatory lending.

With your support, there is even more we can accomplish. Your contribution to Louisiana Budget Project supports nonpartisan research and analysis that helps lawmakers, advocates and the public see the path to investing in improved economic opportunities for every Louisianan.

You’ll make sure LBP remains the go-source it has become for journalists, who frequently cite our work and editorialize in favor of the positions we take.

So, please sign on to  Louisiana Budget Project’s mission. Your tax-deductible gift of $100, $250, $500, $1,000 — or whatever you can afford — shines a brighter spotlight on important debates in Baton Rouge. Visit our donation page to give a one-time donation or set up recurring payments or mail a check to 447 N. Third Street, Baton Rouge, La. 70802.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, and thank you in advance for your support.


Jan Moller

The Invest in Louisiana Policy Conference will bring together state and national experts, community leaders and activists for a day of fellowship, conversation and learning about how we can craft a stronger, more inclusive state economy.
Registration is open for the 2024 Invest in Louisiana Policy Conference!