The Issues

The Issues

Invest in Louisiana is committed to advancing policies that benefit the people of this state. Whether you are interested in health care, the state budget, paid leave or any other policy area that impacts the lives of Louisianans, our trusted policy analysis and research help you quickly understand the most important issues facing our state.

Budget & Taxes

The state budget and tax structure are much more than numbers on a page. They are an expression of our collective values. Louisiana’s economy will never reach its full potential until we fully invest in great schools with high-performing teachers, accessible and affordable health care, safe streets and a clean environment.

Poverty & Inequality

Nearly 1 in 4 Louisiana children live below the federal poverty line, and far too many households struggle to provide for their basic needs. Poverty is a policy choice. Louisiana’s economy is strong enough to support greater investment in our people through higher wages, increased investment in education and expanded safety net programs. We can do better.

Safety Net

Every Louisianan needs quality health care, affordable food, safe housing — and a safety net to turn to when the unexpected hits. With Louisiana’s high rate of poverty, ensuring that all Louisianans have access to the essentials is even more critical.

Food Security

Louisiana’s consistently high rates of poverty and food insecurity mean too many residents don’t have enough to eat. Federal aid for food, distributed through the state through programs like SNAP and WIC, helps hundreds of thousands of Louisianans put food on the table each month and make ends meet.

Health Care

Every Louisianan, regardless of income, race or ZIP code, deserves access to high-quality, affordable health care. Healthy people help create healthy communities with productive workers. More than 2 million people in Louisiana get their health care through Medicaid, including more than half of all insured Louisiana children.


The state’s Medicaid program provides critical health insurance coverage for 1 in 3 Louisianans, making sure they have access to doctors, hospitals and prescription drugs when they’re needed and that a health emergency doesn’t leave a family facing bankruptcy.


Education starts at birth and is the best long-term investment the state can make in its future. When Louisiana students have great schools with highly effective teachers, they have the tools they need to grow and thrive and drive the future economy of our state. But for far too long, education has taken a back seat to other funding priorities.

Higher Ed & Workforce Development

Access to higher education opportunities can transform a student’s life. But Louisiana students seeking postsecondary degrees often face enormous barriers from rising tuition costs that lead them into student debt. The burden of paying for higher education has shifted in Louisiana in recent decades from the public to individuals.

K-12 Education

All Louisiana children deserve access to a high-quality education so they can reach their full potential. But In Louisiana, starkly unequal opportunities and outcomes in education mean that far too many children fall through the cracks. Racial and economic disparities plague our education system.

Economic Oppportunity

Louisianans know the value of hard work, and their labor fuels our economy. But Louisiana workers aren’t reaping the rewards of their labor. Far too many Louisiana families can’t meet their basic needs or take care of their families, even while working full time.

Minimum Wage

Groceries, healthcare, housing—the cost of everything goes up. To keep up financially and avoid falling behind, families and workers also need incomes to rise. But Louisiana’s minimum wage has remained frozen for over 15 years. Louisiana is one of only five states without a state minimum wage.

Paid Leave

Taking time away from work to care for a new or adopted child or recover from a serious health condition should not lead to financial ruin. Paid family and medical leave helps people weather these normal life events by providing essential economic support.

Working Family Tax Credits

Louisianans know how to work hard and take care of their families. But sometimes they need a little help. Working families tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit can provide hard-working Louisiana families with a little extra to help make ends meet.

Opportunity Youth

Louisiana’s youth are the future of our state. But nearly 1 in 6 young people between the ages of 16 to 24 in Louisiana are disconnected from both school and work, a population known as Opportunity Youth. Black males are more likely to be disconnected than their white counterparts.

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The Invest in Louisiana Policy Conference will bring together state and national experts, community leaders and activists for a day of fellowship, conversation and learning about how we can craft a stronger, more inclusive state economy.
Registration is open for the 2024 Invest in Louisiana Policy Conference!