Statement by Louisiana Budget Project on 2013 Legislature

Louisiana Budget Project Director Jan Moller released the following statement about the end of the 2013 regular session of the Louisiana Legislature:

“It’s good news that the Legislature found money at the last minute for students in our public schools and their teachers, who have worked far too long without a raise. It’s also encouraging that legislators finally began to control the spending that’s done through the tax code, which has eroded the state’s ability to fund basic services.

“Unfortunately, our elected officials did nothing this session to grapple with Louisiana’s long-term structural deficit. State revenues are at a 20-year low when measured as a share of the overall economy, and are not keeping pace with the investments necessary to build a strong 21st century economy.

“The Legislature also failed to take advantage of an opportunity to provide health security for 400,000 low-income adults – a move that would also have saved money in the state budget and made room for other investments.

“The best part about this session is what failed to happen. Instead of shifting the tax burden to middle-class Louisiana residents and companies, the Legislature wisely decided to keep the state income tax in place.”

They include details about safety-net programs like Medicaid, tax credits for low-income workers and educational scholarships and help promote a better understanding of how safety-net programs affect different communities across our state.
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