In Louisiana, Doing Less with Less

Posted by: Teaway Zehyoue Collins

A guest column by LBP Director Edward Ashworth, published in the November 16, 2010, edition of the Times-Picayune, entitled “In Louisiana, doing less with less,” reviews Louisiana’s ongoing fiscal crisis and how the budget shortfall has negatively affected health care and higher education. Here is an excerpt:

“Real leadership” is what Gov. Bobby Jindal said was needed in response to the latest episode in Louisiana’s ongoing fiscal crisis, in which the state discovered it was $107 million short last year.

He then admonished his department heads to find ways to “do more with less.”

Under Gov. Jindal’s “real leadership” strategy, Louisiana is not doing more with less. We’re doing less with less, and we are the poorer for it.

They include details about safety-net programs like Medicaid, tax credits for low-income workers and educational scholarships and help promote a better understanding of how safety-net programs affect different communities across our state.
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