A Roadmap to Recovery

There are nine vital policy proposals that Congress should include in the next round of federal aid to ensure it meets the needs of the people of Louisiana who are struggling as the state charts a course to and through recovery, according to a new brief from the Louisiana Budget Project. As author, LBP Policy Director Stacey Roussel explains, in order for federal action to be proportional to the unprecedented crisis our country is facing, it must  adhere to three principles: 

  • It should be robust and comprehensive enough to adequately address the unprecedented crisis we are facing;
  • It should target assistance to state governments and people who have been hit hardest, including people with low incomes, immigrants, and people of color; and
  • It must last as long as needed and not end prematurely.

Included in Roussel’s nine proposals is providing significant federal aid to state and local governments. Without it, workers and families will suffer, and our state and cities will face serious revenue shortfalls that will result in cuts to vital services and stymied economic growth for years to come.

Join us, the Power Coalition for Equity and Justice and Invest in Louisiana Wednesday, July 22 at 5:00 p.m. in a discussion with Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins, Baton Rouge Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome and New Roads Mayor Cornell Dukes to learn about the next federal stimulus bill and what their communities need. Register here.