Amendment 2 would take Louisiana in the wrong direction

On March 29, Louisianans will vote on the most comprehensive overhaul of the state constitution in more than 50 years.

Amendment 2 would wipe out a rainy-day state savings account, and trust funds that finance critical education programs. It would limit Louisiana’s flexibility to respond to changing economic conditions, and help cement an upside-down tax structure where people with low incomes pay higher state and local taxes than those at the very top. 

The amendment is being presented in language that is misleading, and which fails to capture the true extent of what voters are being asked to consider.

Contrary to Amendment 2’s ballot language, the proposal does not include a permanent teacher pay raise. Teachers and support staff would not see any more money in their paychecks, they just would not lose a temporary pay bump that state lawmakers have provided the last two years. 

Passing Amendment 2 would make it harder for our leaders to address the real problems that Louisiana faces. Understanding the ballot language and the more complex policy changes beneath it makes that clear.

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